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This world has been [[empty|Empty]] for awhile. Everything around here is a whole lot of [[nothing|Nothing]].Frankly, [[it sucks|ItSucks]].But at least I'm alive, right? [[Right.|Right]]Man, I'm [[hungry|Hungry]].When’s [[the last time|LastTime]] I had a good, home-cooked meal? Before everything went to [[shit|Shit]].So a decade, right? [[Right.|Right2]][[It sucks.|ItSucks2]]This store has been [[empty|Empty2]] for awhile. It was picked clean by [[other survivors|Others]], years ago. Funny how [[we|We]] all still mill around here anyway. None of us talk. We don’t even make eye contact most of the time. [[We just mill.|Mill]] This [[sucks|Sucks]].Once in awhile we get [[visitors|Visitors]].I’m a little [[shy|Shy]]. Or am I too [[forward|Forward]]? I forget. The others try to make them feel [[at home|AtHome]]. I want to make them feel [[at home|AtHome]]. Too bad our guests are always so [[rude|Rude]].I’ve seen them whip out all sorts of [[crazy shit|CrazyShit]]. There was that lady with an [[axe|Axe]]. That family with all the [[firearms|Firearms]].Remember that guy with a crossbow? Where [[the hell|TheHell]] did he even get that? Seriously, [[people suck|PeopleSuck]]. I like wandering around [[the parking lot|Lot]] sometimes. It smells less [[out here|OutHere]] than in there. I don’t think anybody really showers [[anymo-|Anymore]]. What’s [[that noise|Noise]]?[[...|Pause]][[Hello?|Hello]]I’m going to [[check|Check]] it out. [[...|Pause2]]Would you [[look|Look]] at that? [[Visitors!|Visitor]] Maybe they’ll be nice!
Maybe they want to talk!
Maybe they have [[food|Food]]!
[[Don’t get|Don'tGet]] [[too excited|Excited]]. [[Easy|Easy]] does it. [[HUG ME, DAMNIT.|Direct]] Hey, they’re going in the wrong direction!
[[Come back!|Back]]
“Hello there, [[fellow|Fellow]] survivors!” They look pretty [[alarmed|Alarmed]]. I guess my throat is [[a little dry|Dry]]. That probably [[came out wrong|Wrong]]. [[Ahem.|Direct]] “Hi! Hi there!” Just [[smile and wave|Direct]]. Smile. And. Wave. You’re [[kidding|Kidding]] me. [[...|Pause3]]That’s a [[crossbow|Crossbow]].Not [[again|Again]]. [[Rude.|Rude2]] [[This sucks.|Start]]
[[Start|Start]] Another Day